The initiative to start the Propark Nature Centre of Excellence was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Sigrid Rausing Trust (SRT). Established in 1995, SRT is a foundation renowned for supporting organizations dedicated to human rights, open societies and environmental protection worldwide. With SRT’s funding we were able to turn a long-held dream into reality and lay the foundations for a centre of excellence dedicated to nature and nature conservation.
The first important step for the Centre of Excellence for Nature (CEN) was to develop the concept and work plan that will guide the implementation of this complex initiative in the coming years.
Protected Area Specialist Program
The financial support from the SRT has also enabled us to realize one of the planned components within CEN, namely to develop and implement the first comprehensive blended learning (face-to-face and online) training program for the occupation of Protected Area Specialist (PAS)
The PAS 2024 has been designed to provide advanced professional training to those directly or indirectly involved in protected area management.
Our program is composed of 7 courses divided into modules and lessons covering key aspects for a protected area specialist such as governance and management of protected areas, biodiversity conservation management, natural resource management, communication, local community involvement, education and nature and visitor management.
The program ran from February 5 to June 21, 2024, over 19 weeks of courses, including 3 face-to-face and 16 online sessions. At the end of this period, participants were examined in order to receive the Protected Areas Specialist Certificate, an occupation registered in the COR (Classification of Occupations in Romania) register.
This intense period of continuous learning and evaluation will be built upon with learning and working sessions for a further 12 months, debating topics of interest for nature conservation, with the participation of experts in the fields.
During this period, Propark will encourage and facilitate the exchange of information and experience among PAS program participants, who will have the opportunity to share projects and initiatives from their professional life.
Also CEN team, coordinated by Propark, will be working on the first complex blended learning program for the Ranger occupation. We will come back soon with details about the first Ranger Program within CEN.
Impact of SRT Funding
Thanks to the SRT funding we were able to:
– choose, configure and prepare the online learning platform for PAS 2024;
– co-opt experts and trainers who, together with experts from the Propark team, developed the learning materials so that PAS 2024 could best contribute to the development of skills specific to protected area management;
– organize face-to-face and online workshops, which brought together national experts to establish the syllabus and lesson plans, materials for the face-to-face and online courses;
– organize the first PAS Program offering 18 scholarships to all selected participants, which covered all expenses (tuition, examination, logistical).
Thanks to SRT
We wish to express our profound gratitude to the Sigrid Rausing Trust for selecting us and providing this vital support for Propark’s mission. Without this funding, the realization of the Nature Centre of Excellence would have remained just a dream.
Thanks to the trust and support of the SRT, we have been able to take important steps in building a solid foundation for the continuing education of those dedicated to nature conservation. We are honoured to be part of the global network of SRT- supported organizations. In this way, we can actively contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and natural heritage in Romania and Europe.
The Centre of Excellence for Nature initiated and coordinated by Propark – Foundation for Protected Areas is an important contribution to nature conservation efforts. The support of SRT is essential in the realization of this project, and our success in developing and implementing the first complex program for the occupation of Protected Areas Specialist is a proof of the positive impact that such collaborations can have. Thank you to the Sigrid Rausing Trust for the opportunity and for the trust and confidence!